debris and detritus 2024-09-07 13:00:36



I’m going to add to this with advice for any teacher running into this situation.

Ask to borrow the kid’s computer for a second, and use the AI. Pick a word, then pick a letter that is not in that word. Ask chatGPT how many times that letter appears in said word. (Avoid “how many Ns in Mayonnaise” because that went viral and got trained out.) Hell, give ChatGPT multiple tries. Ask it to demonstrate each time that letter appears in a word.

Let the entire class witness chatGPT fail. Because it cannot count. It cannot spell. It cannot think. Please put your lesson plans aside for a class and use it as a learning opportunity.

To add to your arsenal for educating these kids, please look into the concept of AI hallucination. AI cannot perceive things and has no ability to think critically, which means it cannot tell what’s real and what’s not. Really drill into these kids that they are better off asking advice from a toddler.

I used the characterAI bot instead of chatGPT in this case, but chatGPT has the same issues, because neither bot is capable of thinking about what it’s saying.

sometimes I remember how on the last day of my high school latin class our teacher had us gather…





sometimes I remember how on the last day of my high school latin class our teacher had us gather around his laptop to show us latin memes on tumblr and my best friend and I just gaped at each other in abject horror. we couldn’t figure out if our teacher was just showing us memes on a Fun Website He Had Found or if he was a tumblr user for real. but he knew how to navigate it. years have passed but it haunts me. he could still be out here

Reblog to help find a lost connection.

do NOT do this

Investing at under 5K notes. Help them reunite!

glitterarygetsit: waffilicious:jaubaius: Diver convince…




Diver convince octopus to trade his plastic cup for a seashell

imagine if a fuckin……. giant alien just showed up and stuck a huge hand in front of your face and then proceeded to offer you three different houses and wouldn’t stop until you moved out of your old shitty apartment and then helped you fuckin move

and then just left

I first saw this on twitter and COULD NOT get over these comments:

Tweet by Honey @benegotherit:

Inconceivable horror descends from space and, through a series of terrifying manipulations of your own tiny world, manages to communicate that it thinks your hat’s shit
Tweet by Honey @benegotherit:

Imagine your mates roasting you later. Every night just waiting for someone to be like “remember when octhony had a hat so bad he had to fight god”

Twitter link

bizships: beckaaay: lordkevington: orwellsunderpants: jdillus…







For those of you that are wondering, please have one of the fiest pieces of radio comedy ever:

the first time i watched this i laughed so hard i nearly puked


Since I was 8 and found out about this for the first time my family has always followed up on someone saying “I don’t know,” with shouting “THIRD BASE”

Who’s On First is the single mist brilliant comic but ever and will never be outdone. Ever.