crazy that in the 1970s they were like, “fine, women can play sports. but because they’re innately less athletic than men, only in a special ghettoized League For The Frail And Delicate where they get paid less ????”. And not only is that still the system in 2023, but viciously lashing out at the smallest challenges to that system gets framed as Feminist Praxis
even setting aside the fact that gendered bodytype averages aren’t universals, and plenty of individual (cis) women and (cis) men could easily go to toe to toe. have we considered that the fact that all the most prominent and well-paid sports are ones that require things like Being Tall and Having Muscle Mass, as opposed to, ex, gymnastics…is itself an artifact of sexism
Also consider the existence of sports where women would have an advantage, and yet, somehow, the most famous and well paid ones are not women.
I’m thinking of jockeys. Jockeys get an advantage from being smaller and lighter, and while obviously you need sufficient strength to stay on the horse, a well-trained horse does enough of the work that you don’t need upper body strength to do the job. Given this and that the majority of children obsessed with horses are female, you’d think most jockeys would be women. Yet somehow they are not.
NASCAR at one point threatened to handicap Danica Patrick by putting extra weight in her car to compensate for the fact that she is smaller and lighter than other racecar drivers. If she gets an advantage as a driver, why is she like practically the only female racecar driver, or at least the only one anyone knows about?
Women, apparently, have an advantage in long distance swimming. Higher body fat percentage and higher endurance means that women can go greater distances in the water. Is long distance swimming even a competitive sport?
Women have actually been excluded from competitive Olympic skiing on the grounds that the jumps required could damage their uterus. The people who actually have unsupported reproductive organs hanging outside their body are considered to have better support than the people whose reproductive organs are nestled in alongside unisex organs like the small intestine and stomach. How does this make any goddamn sense at all? If a uterus could dislodge from the force of a skiing jump, so could intestines and the sport wouldn’t be safe for anyone.
Theoretically, any sport where you get an advantage from low center of gravity, better balance, higher flexibility, or being closer to the ground, women should have an advantage. This should include soccer (football in non-US places), and might include hockey if the hockey players hadn’t introduced unnecessary viciousness to the sport.
So in any sport where women would excel over men, they’re either excluded, unfairly penalized, the sport doesn’t exist, or the sport is considered unimportant and no one makes money on it. Hmm. I am thinking the problems here are not actually what the TERFs and transphobes make them out to be.
“The Democratic National Committee has decided to double down on the same losing strategies that lost it the last election. Newly elected DNC Chair Ken Martin on Monday named Roger Lau as executive director of the committee. Lau has been serving as the DNC’s deputy executive director since 2021, joining the committee after running Elizabeth Warren’s unsuccessful 2020 presidential campaign.”
Fuck the career losers at the DNC. They will get no money, no time, no energy from me. Everything I’ve always given to the party will now go toward whatever we end up calling the Democratic incarnation of the Tea Party.
These vichy fucks have been wrong about everything. They are the reason Governor Walz stopped correctly pointing out how weird and lame all these MAGA lunatics are. He should have OBLITERATED Vance in the debate, and it was a draw, because the DNC and those idiot consultants forced Walz to stop doing everything that voters loved.
The DNC is cowardly, willing to give away ten miles of progress so they can celebrate barely clawing back one inch (and then its back to the endless fundraising).
America may never come back from this. I may be taking all of my privilege and using it to emigrate to a country that cares about human beings and isn’t controlled by these deporables.
But if it is going to come back, the current Democratic leadership and the DNC won’t be part of it. If they spent half the energy attacking Trump and his neonzais that they spend attacking progressives in primaries, we probably wouldn’t be here.
So if we are to save America and all of the most vulnerable people who live here, we have to get rid of the weak, comfortable, wildly out of touch consultants and corporate centrists who are protecting Trump and his neonazis from the wrath of the American people.
We outnumber them by orders of magnitude – all of them, not just the evil republicans, the corporate democrats, too – and if we can get organized, we can force change.