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he’s at it again



he’s at it again

I want to see a Thai martial arts movie shot in this guy’s house where everyone keeps trying to use things in the house as a weapon but it just falls apart because it’s chocolate and what’s supposed to be a badass fight scene degenerates into a few helpless men sliding and flailing around in a giant messy pile of smashed desserts.

debris and detritus 2024-09-15 19:04:33



Do you clean your lint trap every time use your dryer?


No, I didn’t know you were supposed to do this

No, I know you’re supposed to but I don’t care enough to do it every time/at all

I don’t use a dryer

Fun fact!

I told off my husband for not cleaning the lint trap and he got made and said he always cleaned it

And when I showed him the lint trap uncleaned he got quiet and said “I didn’t know that was there”

But before I got too smug I asked him what he thought was the lint trap and he showed me a second lint trap I didn’t know about

It was the most net zero argument ever

Top: in Donkey Kong Country, the Master Necky boss is a bird whose main body is never seen. Instead,…


Top: in Donkey Kong Country, the Master Necky boss is a bird whose main body is never seen. Instead, merely its head and neck appear from offscreen, being able to instantly switch what side of the screen it appears from.

Bottom: an official Japanese guide for the game contains a humorous illustration where Donkey Kong theorizes that the only way this is possible is if Master Necky actually has two heads, and each is simply hiding behind its own side of the screen.

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