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wilwheaton: “Trump’s mob boss mentality has led to other moments like this, where he extravagantly…


“Trump’s mob boss mentality has led to other moments like this, where he extravagantly highlights the moral and ethical compromises that a sycophant has made on his behalf as a way of demonstrating that they really are no better than he is and of lashing them even more firmly to his side. If they resist, he calls them out for being hypocrites, pointing to their compromised behavior and mocking their previous pretensions to ethical behavior. But this time Trump did it to the sitting Supreme Court chief justice in public on the floor of the House. Whatever high regard John Roberts still held himself in has been directly challenged in the most excruciating and a dignity-robbing way. Trump has a way of doing that to everyone who comes in contact with him. Roberts had it coming. No pity for him.”

Donald Trump Thanks John Roberts For Keeping Him Out Of Jail

Men like John Roberts care about two things, only: their own power, and their legacy.

This moment should follow Roberts for the rest of this life, and it should be the first line of his obituary. It will be the defining moment of his corrupt, compromised, morally bankrupt behavior as chief justice.

And if they haven’t already, the lies and gaslighting about this will be in full effect before the end of the day.

We all know what Roberts did. We all know what Trump said to him last night, and what he meant.

Don’t let them lie to you. John Roberts is no different than Little Marco, Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard, or any of the other deeply compromised people who were and are willing, enthusiastic participants in the ongoing attack against America.