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I need to run a survey really quick. This isn’t serious, but I need people to cooperate and not…





I need to run a survey really quick. This isn’t serious, but I need people to cooperate and not cheat for the sake of it because it’ll skew the results.

Imagine you wake up tomorrow and you realize you (and everyone else in the world) can turn into an animal (And back into a human) at will.

Please go to this link to see what animal it will be for you:

(this is random, and yes, you only get one, no redos)

With this in mind, please reply to the following questions as truthfully as possible based on your current situation. (Not an ideal fantasy one.)

How do you feel about this, in general?

Good! I like this animal.

Okay. I’m not thrilled but not disappointed.

Meh. Not the worst.

Not great. I’m pretty disappointed.

Horrible. This is my worst nightmare.

It’s complicated./I’m conflicted.

How often would you turn into this animal?

Pretty often, just for fun.

Pretty often, for a specific task.

Sometimes, just for fun.

Sometimes, to do something a human cannot.

Rarely, but still for fun.

Rarely, only if I absolutely need to.

How open would you be about what animal you are?

I’d tell anyone and everyone!

I’d tell my friends and family.

I’d tell my closer friends and family.

I’d try to keep it mostly secret.

I’d prefer not to tell anyone, ever.

Would you want to get to know other people who also transform into the same/similar animal?

Yeah! I’d join a subreddit or a club for sure!

Probably. I’d like to know what makes us similar.

Eh, only if it comes up in conversation naturally.

Not really. I don’t think it’d connect us in any way.

No. It’s not a good metric for friendship.