Category Archives: Tumblr

debris and detritus 2024-08-19 19:42:24







Say youre a renter without saying it.

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Say your treating your home as an investment and not as a primary place to live without saying it.

You wont feel so chill and cool when you realize that you just spent $$$$ on something and one persons actions made it worth $$$ in your first year living there.

Nah I do not give a shit if my house is worth less then, because that only factors into things when i want to sell it– and I don’t want to sell it, thats a completely bullshit amount of paperwork that I don’t want to go through.

I’m here for the long haul. I Do Not Care about year to year differences in the value of the property I own. I’ve seen what house prices have done in this region over the past 30 years. Longer, actually– because I’ve looked at the property records for multiple places in this region going back to the 50s. (The original owner of my childhood home buying the WHOLE-ASS house for LESS than the check I wrote for the down payment of my own home made me feel a way.)

Like, its actually wild that you want the assessed value of your house to go up! Whenever the value of my home goes up, that means I have to pay more property tax. And while i don’t mind paying taxes to fund things in my area its wild you think that number going up while you don’t do anything, is a GOOD thing.

Life is too short to worry about what the hell my neighbors are doing unless it might actually burn down my house.

Viga and I absolutely refused to look at any place with an HOA when we were house hunting.

We bought this house. It belongs to us. Some other douchebags don’t get to tell us how we decorate or use OUR house.

I HATE that even though I own my place a bunch of asshole boomers get to decide what I do with it and how I decorate it.

They banned flags two years ago specifically to prevent my pride flags. I risk fines if they don’t like my garden.

Fuck that!

Do I give any fucks about how my neighbors decorate their shit? No! It belongs to them. as long as they aren’t doing something actively harmful to other people or their animals live and let live.

My property value doesn’t matter because not only am I leaving here feet first, but I’m leaving my place to other trans people to live in. Hell lover property value will help them when they inherit.

so to sum up, fuck off HOAs and the poster a fe levels up who acts like their opinion is monolith.

Wouldn’t lower property values also mean lower property taxes? Like, that neighbor with the trailer in their yard might be writing you and your neighbors a tax break.

So yeah, HOA’s, insofar as they protect property values, are not protecting Home Owners, so much as they protect Real Estate Investors.

The one exception to this is that HOA’s are usually also responsible for things like trash collection, and sometimes responsible for as much as road maintenance, water and sewage infrastructure, and internet cables. Many town and city governments simply aren’t equipped to deal with those things (though they might be, if all those HOA fees went to them instead). In some cases, a more rural HOA can actually be the closest thing you have to a government more local than the county. These exceptions suck, but when talking about dismantling HOA’s it’s important to know what utility they provide, and why people seem to keep them around, despite them being almost universally despised.

I’m pretty sure these images are probably photoshop, but the phenomenon is real, according to…


Fata Morgana

A superior mirage caused by warm air resting on patches of colder air in an atmospheric duct that acts like a refracting lens. Objects on the horizon could appear to be mirrored, distorted, or float. This form of mirage could be the reason for the Flying Dutchman Legend.

I’m pretty sure these images are probably photoshop, but the phenomenon is real, according to wikipedia, which has various (less dramatic and more believable) images of the mirage.