Category Archives: Tumblr

honestly I hate “can you pet the dog?!?” not for any of the common reasons but because it was…





honestly I hate “can you pet the dog?!?” not for any of the common reasons but because it was initially interesting as a proposition of “can you interact with the world in a way that is not within the primary mechanical loop” and that very quickly fell away to being “well now any indie developer making a game has to have a pet the dog button or they’re going to get letters”

One of my dream projects has an NPC with a dog, and if you try to pet it, the owner tells you not to do that. If you try again, it bites you and you take damage. I want to do this entirely because I genuinely believe that this would make me feel way more grounded in the world than any “click button to see cute animation” would ever do, and also it would be really funny to have a game where people lose their runs because they tried to pet a dog they were told not to pet

maybeasunflower: auressea:humans-are-seriously-weird: chaoschao…








sound ON

also the small pig just casually hanging out fucking makes this

The fact that the pigs tail is ON BEAT kills me

Hey I know these guys! This is a local group from my province called the Hunter Brothers!

If you’re into country/popish music you should check this group out! Their harmonies are always killer. Also really nice guys, Ive met them a few times!

Hey @humans-are-seriously-weird THANKS for including the name of the band! I’ve never heard of them- but I love their sound.

OP ripped off this video with ZERO credit.

They have a Youtube and their independent website where they sell their music.

“Some things in life require people singing. For everything else there’s New Holland Agriculture”