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The accused killer has received more than $300,000 in donations as he fights murder charges in the…



The accused killer has received more than $300,000 in donations as he fights murder charges in the shooting death of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

February 11, 2025

There have been many reports that he’s using the funds he’s been receiving to help out fellow inmates with expenses








Once knew a guy from LARP who told a story about when he had first gotten his hands on chainmail and was getting used to wearing it and maintaining mobility and balance with the weight of it (it was heavy stuff). So he started wearing it under his clothes when he was out running errands and stuff to practice for when he had to wear it in mock combat.

Then one night he was coming home late and got mugged by a dude with a knife.

Apparently the look on the dude’s face was amazing when he went in to gut the guy for his wallet and found out he was wearing medieval armor under his hoodie.

So, you know. Pretty good argument for wearing it under streetclothes!

so maybe my type isn’t totally unrealistic

Fun story, i talked to two people who worked at a convenience store in the Kingdom of An Tir (SCA medieval society, An Tir’s territory is WA, BC, northern ID, and OR, and in the past included AB and SK).

This convenience store was notorious for getting robbed in the evenings one or two times a month, so nobody wanted to work the night shift. The one fellow, he desperately needed a job, but he was also learning how to be a heavy fighter (sword & shield) in the SCA, so he had just finished a chainmail shirt, and asked if he could wear it under his uniform shirt, so long as it didn’t show. The manager was just happy that he had someone willing to work nights, and said yeah, sure, so long as it doesn’t show.

Guy starts working the night shifts, things are fine, he’s getting used to everything, then late one night, a guy in a hoodie comes in, and asks for a pack of cigarettes. Our guy turns to get the pack, and feels a thump on his back. Turning around, scowling, he demands, “Did you just hit me??”

Guy in the hoodie widens his eyes, goes ash-gray, and faints. Clerk can’t budge from behind the counter in case this is an attempt to distract and rob. But the guy remains out coold. Confused, our clerk calls the emergency services. EMTs come along and start checking out the patient, who is still out cold on the floor. While they’re doing that, one of them comes up to the counter and asks what happened, exactly.

Our man tells the EMT, “Well, he just came in, looked around, came up to the counter and asked for a specific pack of cigarettes, so I turned to get them–”

And he demonstrates by turning his back to the EMT, who suddenly starts shouting, “–Sir! Sir! Are you okay? Don’t move!”

Our man feels the EMT groping his upper back, and then the EMT asks,

“What the hell are you WEARING?”

“A chainmail shirt. I have to get used to the weight of it, so I wear it a lot. Why? Is something wrong?”

“You have a KNIFE in your back!”

“Uhh…no, I don’t? I mean, I don’t feel hurt? He only, like, punched me or something. There’s no knife back there–I mean, I’d KNOW if there was a knife back there, right?”

EMT grabs the knife and pushes on his shoulder, yanking it out. “THIS knife! I’m going to need to examine your back!”

So they manage to get him out of his uniform shirt and out of the hauberk and out of the linen shirt under it (because chainmail bites suck, plus it’s not nearly as fun as a Brazilian waxjob, because my SCA friend was hairy)…and it turns out he only had a very small scratch from the tip of the knife…which had gotten lodged in the riveted links.

…That was why the guy fainted. He’d stabbed the store clerk, who had turned around angrily, knife still lodged in his back.

Manager was so happy to have hired the guy, as that was the first time in like eight or nine months that the store hadn’t been successfully robbed.

Bring back casual chainmail.