Category Archives: Tumblr

wilwheaton: “Sustained ridicule has the potential to reinforce the downward spiral Trump is now in….


“Sustained ridicule has the potential to reinforce the downward spiral Trump is now in. He probably likes it when we call him a fascist or authoritarian, because it expresses fear of him, and he aches to be feared. It acknowledges his power. This motivates him and makes him stronger. Ridicule makes him weaker. Ridicule makes him small. Ridicule makes him desperate. He’ll try to respond with ridicule of his own, but he is not a clever man. He’s a stupid man. He has no wit. He has no sense of mischief. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t think beyond first reactions. These nicknames of his, which the press has made such a big deal of over the years—they’re nothing. They’re dick contests put into words. Little Marco, Sleepy Joe. There’s nothing remotely clever about any of them0 […] People have said, and even I have written, that Trump is bound to regain his footing at some point. I guess so. But what if he doesn’t? What if this new dynamic is just … the dynamic? Against Joe Biden, Trump looked credible to swing voters, simply because of Biden’s age. Against Harris, he looks old (because he is), confused (because he is), far less intelligent than she (because he is), and less genuinely patriotic (because he is). And the best way to ensure that he stays off his game? Mockery. Bone spurs. Orange tanning spray. Hannibal the Cannibal. Sharks versus electrocution. The whole nine yards. The Democrats have finally found Trump’s true Achilles’ heel. They need to keep poking at it, hard..”

Finally, the Democrats Have Found Trump’s Achilles’ Heel: Ridicule Him

rynnaaurelius:quasi-normalcy: I love the Original Flavor Vader. Like, subsequent stuff made him…



I love the Original Flavor Vader. Like, subsequent stuff made him ridiculous by giving him a backstory and world building and shit and I love it, but just imagine

He’s the Emperor’s goth Space Rasputin who you all have to let hang around, even though he’s really killing the vibe, has absolutely no real authority over any of you (Tarkin is the one giving the orders!), and likes to spew vague threatening mantras while you try to strategize and shit. None of you know where he comes from, Darth may or may not be his real name, and that religion he likes to lecture you about is Extremely Illegal

So one day you tell him his esoteric dying faith–that, like, two old men and a twink from Desert Bumblefuck still take seriously–is old, weird, and not as powerful as your fash wetdream planet-destroying laser–and also kinda useless, dude, it hasn’t exactly fixed that Rebel Problem you have going on

Unfortunately, he is also a seven-foot-tall laser-sword-wielding robot wizard of death, so in response to this, he gets mad and chokes you out with his mind

Your other boss (Tarkin, is Probably In Charge) treats this like it’s normal and tells both of you to play nice while you make sure your trachea is intact and The Magic Death Cyborg sulks in the corner because he wasn’t allowed to murder the non-believer

wilwheaton: ““Musk/X has slapped a spam/dangerous content warning on this NPR link,” wrote Tom…


““Musk/X has slapped a spam/dangerous content warning on this NPR link,” wrote Tom Watson, a professor at the Columbia University School of Professional Studies. “This shows just how damaging this explosive story is to Trump. Let’s get it wide, folks.” “Marking US public broadcaster content as ‘unsafe’ is the sort of revenge move the KGB has fantasized about for decades — and it tells you everything about what Musk and X actually are,” wrote journalist Dave Troy. “Twitter/X is now running a warning that NPR’s story about Trump’s TikTok video at Arlington National Cemetery is a malicious link,” wrote CityLab editor Kriston Capps. “I’ve never seen this once in the thousands of years I’ve spent on this site.””

X’s move on cemetery news shows ‘how damaging this explosive story is to Trump’: experts