Category Archives: Tumblr

To anyone considering not voting because of the Palestinian genocide, I have this to ask:



To anyone considering not voting because of the Palestinian genocide, I have this to ask:

How many Palestinian people do you think you’re helping by laying back and inviting the GOP to crush you under foot? Self flagellation didn’t cure The Plague, and it won’t fix this situation either.

If you don’t like the idea of voting for Harris, I doubt I’ll be able to change your mind, but consider this: 468 congressional seats out of a total 535 are up for re-election THIS NOVEMBER. You want to make the government start actually representing the will of the people? Start there.

We’re living in frightening times, and apathy is a very comfortable state of being, but you need to act. If you don’t, who will?

debris and detritus 2024-09-06 11:00:22





Callsigns are ALL like this. I know in movies everyone’s got cool callsigns, but you have to EARN a cool callsign. Most people’s are like, commemoration of something real stupid they did, or, like, “Carrots” bc “he ate carrots weirdly.” This database is a treasure trove:

Also unironically if you are nb and have an “object” name you can 100% get old republicans to use it by just claiming it’s for something dumb. “Yeah man I go by Brick because I dropped a bunch of bricks once and messed up a timeline on a job” will get everyone you will ever meet to call you that.