I love reading the Fallout timeline on the wiki because everything, across America, independently goes completely to shit in the week before October 23rd. So the entries just read like:
October 22: The Platinum Chip is manufactured in Sunnyvale, CA and ordered to be delivered to Las Vegas the next day. A Vault-Tec employee in Boston quits after learning about Vault 95. Two Mass Fusion workers attempt to kill a health inspector. Operation Free Watoga results in a massacre and evacuation as the city’s automated workers turn on Watoga residents.
October 23: The Great War begins. The Sole Survivor and their spouse flee with their son Shaun to Vault 111. A geneticist working for Nuka-Cola gets taken hostage by the Animal Friends and Defenders at Nuka World. Students from Early Dawn Elementary School take a field trip to Lamplight Caverns. A Halloween costume show was to be held at Freddy Fear’s House of Scares.
Alternatively,if you go back into historical events (even before the timeline split) it’s just a combination of Actual Historical Events and completely wild shit, like:
1690: The first issue of Publick Occurences is published in Boston.
1692: The Salem Witch Trials begin.
1697: Andrew Endicott is abducted from his home in Salem by Mothership Zeta.
With the elected officials trying their hardest not to move a muscle, reports confirmed Monday that top Democratic leaders in Congress were standing real still in hopes that the American people wouldn’t notice them. “Don’t make any sudden movements, or they’ll spot us,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said out of the corner of his mouth, tightly squeezing his eyes shut as he reminded Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to hold their breath anytime a member of the voting public walked by. “Did it work? I think we’re in the clear for now, but that was a close one.