Category Archives: Tumblr

malglories:why-bless-your-heart: why-bless-your-heart: Today I cried a little bit because I…




Today I cried a little bit because I remembered that when Beethoven conducted his ninth symphony for the first time he got a standing ovation and one of the sopranos had to turn him around to see the audience. 

I have never recovered from this illustration by Scott Cameron for Barbara Nichol’s “Beethoven Lives Upstairs.”


fipindustries: alexanderwales: pearlytook:fastrainbowdas:nokiabae: I got the Top 4.47% on this…






I got the Top 4.47% on this English Vocabulary test

I’m in the last

I shouldn’t have taken that test


I love tests. Toward the end I was getting words that I would never actually use in a sentence without looking them up, and that I still wouldn’t use in a sentence after looking them up because I wouldn’t expect other people to know them. And then there are a small handful that I got wrong, or was just going off the vibes of the words. I think vibes-based vocabulary is underrated.

4.96% in english, not bad!
now let’s see in spanish, my mother tongue!

ooooooh, this is going to go straight to my head. well la dee da, mas te vale que te retires Borges, una nueva rutilante estrella, ducha con el vocablo y diestra con el lenguaje ha surgido en estos arrabales

this is what reading voraciously as a child will get you!

that, and the inability to pronounce many words correctly.