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If a girl feels uncomfortable hanging out with you alone, and you get so offended by that, it makes you angry, she probably made the right choice.

I know I’ve reblogged this recently but still so spot the fuck on.

In general if a dude gets angry by you declining an invitation you made the right choice to say no

If they get angry when you say “no” to hanging out with them, what else are they going to get angry about you saying “no” to?

^^ Slight side note:

When I was online dating I used to do what so many of us do; set up a safety check with a friend. I used to be really slick about it; take a restroom break or quietly/subtle check and answer a text. Then I realized what a good marker it was to check if I wanted to actually be on this date at all. So at whatever time check in was supposed to be, I would pull out my phone and say “sorry, I just have to let my friend know I’m good”. If someone was vaguely offended, I might stay depending on the convo we had after. If someone was SUPER offended, I said “this is exactly why. Thanks for meeting me, I’ve got to go.”  This happened three times I can remember and the first time my voice was shaking so bad as I said it because, you know. You never know what their response is going to be and he was so aggressively angry I was ending the date “over that”. 

The person I ended up with? “Ah, yay-I’m-not-murdered check. Good plan.” Then when my phone was buzzing later (because we ended up on a five hour date on a Monday night) he goes “you should probably let them know you’re still alive. Do you have to go?” 

 *No woman I was ever on a date with was mad about this. Not one. 

This is just like testing the breaks before driving an unfamiliar car guys, and you do NOT drive a car with no breaks. If they can’t handle “no,” it’s not safe for you to say, “yes,” and you need to gtfo of there so you don’t get run over.

Also, OP I love your url, it is perfect for this post.

fallout faction that has a quasi-religious obsession with fighting communism and purging communism…


fallout faction that has a quasi-religious obsession with fighting communism and purging communism because that’s what the prewar propaganda says. communism is evil and anti-freedom and the destruction of civilisation and anti-human and tyrannical and evil. but you take like a closer look at their power structure and society and its deeply obvious that they’re literally massive communists