Category Archives: Tumblr

debris and detritus 2024-09-08 14:51:25





this is real! you can fax, mail, or dropoff in person, but there is no provision for online registration.

TL;DR: The Texas government is trying to trick you into thinking you’ve registered to vote online when that’s not possible.

This has not been circulated widely enough.

If you know someone in TX, pleeeeease make sure they see this.

What’s so worrying about this is that it’s specifically targeted at younger people.

“I’m not handing someone a piece of paper…. wtf”

“Mail? As in… put a stamp on it? Where tf would I get a stamp??

“FAX???? You have got to be joking rn.”

Younger people statistically vote more liberal than conservative. By tricking younger and “more online than not” people into using a fake registration service, the state of TX makes sure that fewer liberal votes are counted.


In Prince’s funky name, amen.



In Prince’s funky name, amen.

Millennial here. All the above and:

Please send me the training or tutorial in a written format with maybe some screenshots if necessary. I don’t want a video tutorial. I don’t want to waste time trying to scroll to the exact moment in the instructions that I need and then have to pause and replay it because I missed the .01 seconds of actually relevant information.

Please. Text. Maybe some images for clarification. I can read. I promise.